In case you don't know or understand, one of our main goals with the church here is to not be needed anymore. We desire for Natives to run the church and be self-sustaining without an outside "missionary" helping. This can only be accomplished by getting members of the church to step up and start leading and initiating things now.
For the most part, I am in charge of Ladies nights on Monday nights. When we were gone for Christmas, a couple of the ladies took charge of events. I was amazed and so proud of them when I heard that they kept things going. This past Monday, another member, Velda, volunteered to lead something. I had no idea what to expect, but had confidence in her. She came to the building on Monday night with snacks, decorations, and a whole table of stuff planned for the evening. She led some songs and a short devotional. She encouraged us to remember how much we are blessed. Then she asked everyone to fill out a notecard with information about themselves. By the end of the night, we all got a partner that over the next two weeks, we are to get to know, hang out with and encourage. We are to log everything we do together. At the end of two weeks, the partners with the most activity win a prize. This is such a wonderful way to get people to know each other!
I am so proud of Velda and the other ladies who lead and serve for the church.
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