The Main Dish
Change can stir up something good or it can stir up a mess. This
month we decided to make some changes in our worship schedule to see
if we could get better attendance and more fellowship between our
members. Call me crazy, but I actually believe that if we’re going to call
ourselves the family of God we have to do better than just showing up to
the same building three times a week and sitting two chairs away from
anyone and then shaking hands and going home. We moved our Sunday
night Bible classes to Sunday morning right after worship. We’ve had
better attendance in the last month for our study than we ever had on
Sunday nights. People are staying for class that wouldn’t normally have
come back on Sunday night.
Every week now on Sunday nights we have a different form of
fellowship. So far, these changes have stirred up a lot of good. On
Sunday night, we have done a bonfire a couple times with s’mores and
hot dogs, which was a huge success. We’ve gotten together to write
cards to encourage people, hiked “the toes” for a teen devotional,
weeded the property, and took the time to pray for our entire prayer list
together. We’re planning on hosting bigger area wide teen events in the
future, as well as having some devotionals “off-site” since there are so
many wonderful places around here. There is really a pretty unlimited
potential to what we can do with this designated time of fellowship, it’s
been a very cool change for us.
A few weeks back, we did some work around the building digging out
weeds. I got a chance to meet two guys from the neighborhood, both of
whom struggle with alcohol and wanted to make a change. The first guy
I met, Mike, has never come around again. His scenario is the one we
see played out most often. The second guy I met was Rob, I talked to
Rob for over an hour right there on the spot about his addiction problems
and desire to change. Ever since that night, I talk to Rob three or four
times a week, counseling him and just letting him know I am on his side.
Heidi asked me last week, after I chatted with Rob for almost an hour, if
I was his sponsor. I said NO NO NO, we’re just…okay yeah I’m sort of
like his sponsor. Right now, he is just looking for a friend, but I pray
someday he will be open to the Word of God. Pray for Rob as he tries to
get on the right track. We have a good relationship and that’s half the
battle of helping people find the truth.
In September, I was honored to speak at the Family Retreat for the
Gallup church of Christ in New Mexico. The church in Gallup is located
just off the Southern New Mexico border of the Reservation. We don’t
go on too many retreats so it was really great to get that opportunity.
The Gallup church is not one of the ten “Navajo” churches that we talk
about around the Reservation, but they are very close to some of our
more Southern congregations. They have Elders, a strong membership, a
terrific connection to the Manuelito Navajo Children’s Home and they
have a passion for the Reservation mission works. Especially in the last
few years as their preacher Jeff Foster has taken a great interest in this
mission work, they have been building a strong relationship here.
In September, we also started (renewed) a Bible study with a couple who
has been members for a few years, but have been struggling with their
faith and with their teenage kids. Although it has been very inconsistent,
when we do meet, it is a great teaching opportunity and the word is well
received. Pray that we can keep this going and see them grow as a
Their situation is a perfect example of what we’re up against here on the
Reservation and in the broader American church. They have a desire to
live for God, but a life that is too committed to the busyness of the
world. They view “church” as one more thing to squeeze into the
calendar. When we truly live for Christ, He becomes the framework that
supports everything else and we fill our calendars around Him not just
to include Him.
Ladies Corner:
Winter is approaching fast and we are looking to do a “warm and fuzzy”
drive. We are soliciting donations for hats, gloves, scarves, socks, and
coats. We will accept any of the above mentioned or gift cards to walmart
and target as well as money to purchase these items. We would like
to collect any of these items by Friday, November 10. Thank you in
advance for anything you are willing to give. If you have questions,
please email me at or call us at 928-697-3096.
On the Back Burner:
We are approaching the end of 2012 anticipating a lot of change to our
mission team and with a lot to be excited about. Heidi and I are expecting
our first child in early February. Dan is getting married to Rose in just over
3 weeks. I’ve been talking with a number of young men who are interested
and seriously considering coming to work on the Reservation. There is a lot
of potential for growth and development in this work. There is a reason that we refer to this as a mission field. The church is in its infancy and has plenty
of challenges, but we have a mission here and we’re working with a purpose.
We’ve talked a lot in the past about the trailer that the church acquired to use as
a parsonage of sorts. Dan has been a trooper to live there in various stages of
disrepair over the last 10 months. When he and Rose are married, he’s going to be moving into her trailer in Chilchinbeto. Heidi and I have decided to move into the trailer at the church building. It’s going to save us some money and help us to stretch our support further and to better prepare for the added expense of a baby, which I’m told are expensive and need things.