We have had a very busy last couple of weeks. It started off with our good friend, Mike coming to visit us from Abilene, Texas. He was here to hang out with us but also to get soil samples of all the churches on the reservation for the garden project. Nick and Mike drove the whole way around the reservation in one day and it took about 13 hrs. We enjoyed having Mike stay with us and get to see what our life is like here. On Mike's way out of town, Nick rode with him to Albuquerque to meet up with an intern from Healing Hands international (head of the garden project) in TN and a student from ACU. They came out to the rez to do research on the Navajos and do kind of a needs assessment for the garden project.
That weekend, I traveled to Gallup, NM about 2.5 hrs away to go to our monthly Bible Study on the book of Matthew where I met up with Nick and the interns. On Saturday, we drove back to Kayenta and the interns spent the night here. I think these 2 students walked away with a ton of information and a great understanding of the Navajo reservation.
On Monday of last week, our friend and future team member, Dan Keele, came to visit for four days. It is always a pleasure to spend time with Dan. We spent a lot of time helping Josh and Divine prepare to move and eating cereal. :) Dan will be moving here in December of this year to be a part of our team. We can't wait!
At the end of last week, Nick's mom and step-dad came to visit for 2 days. We did a lot of sightseeing. We went to Monument Valley and Canyon de Chelly and it was awesome. We got a lot of good pictures and had a really nice visit. Again, we loved to be able to show them our life out here, where we live, where we work, as well as the beautiful sights.
And last but not least, this is our last week with Josh and Divine. We have spent a lot of time helping them get ready to move- painting, cleaning, moving boxes, etc. On Sunday evening, we had a surprise going away party for them at the church building. The turnout of people was amazing. We estimated around 125 people were there. Our average on Sunday morning has been 50 so to have 125 is AWESOME!!! They have impacted a lot of people in their time here and it definitely showed at the party. We had a ton of food and a short devotional. Nick spoke some great words about Josh, a lot of tears were shed and Josh spoke some great words about his time here. I included a picture from the party of Josh speaking. We are really going to miss them!