I have been hosting ladies nights for the past month every Monday night here at our house. Once a month, we do a Bible study. The other weeks, we find fun ways to fellowship- recipe exchange, cooking together, and watching a movie. Tonight we had our second Bible Study and I was so extremely encouraged. We had 12 ladies including 2 teenagers. We have had a great showing for these nights, which confirms my thoughts that the ladies were longing for something like this. On the other hand, I learned that ladies can drink a lot of coffee! Tonight I was very encouraged by some of the comments made. Some of the ladies have a lot of problems in their lives right now including severe financial troubles, substance abuse, and endless problems with their children. The maturity to make consistent, positive, valuable decisions is lacking. However, some of the comments made to encourage the others feeling discouraged were awesome. For example, one lady said that she reads the Bible with her daughter every morning. Another lady mentioned that all the answers are in the Bible and we should look to it for help with everything in life.
Tonight we talked about Esther and her courage to be a leader and influence those around her. I tried to stress that we all have opportunities everyday to influence others in a positive way especially our family.
Please pray for the ladies ministry. I think it is a great opportunity for our ladies to grow, develop strong relationships, and learn how to be a better Christian woman.