April 20, 2010

...the name is Rice

This is the start of what I hope will be years worth of updates and great stories, information and interesting thoughts about life on the reservation. As Heidi and I make plans to move to Kayenta, AZ this will be the place where you can keep track of what's going on. My hope is that this will eventually be much more interesting, but for anyone who doesn't know what we have been doing or planning this first post should get you up to speed.

Long story short, (and if you want the longer version maybe I could post it another day on request)last September we went to Kayenta for a week to consider getting involved in the mission work full time and fell in love with the people and the possibilities. We started talking about how we could make it become a reality and now here we are. Right now we are seeking out support for the work we hope to start on August 1st, we've been travelling to churches and making presentations in hopes of raising all of the funds we will need to support us for the next two years.

To date, I have made a trip to Albuquerque, NM to meet with the brethren at the Northeast Church of Christ. They have been involved on the reservation for years, and are very supportive of Heidi and I making the move to add to the work that's already being done. They were very gracious hosts and incredibly generous with their support for us. They will serve as our head supporting congregation, if you want to call it that, and will collect and manage all of the funds for our work. The work couldn't move forward without their involvement.

We just came home from a trip to the 6th & Washington congregation in Marietta, OH where I was able to present the mission and request their help in support. The members there were very receptive to our work and very encouraging to Heidi and I personally.

In the early stages of our involvement as missionaries in Kayenta, we have been blown away by the individuals who have stepped forward to support us. We always believed, and now have confirmed, that we are blessed by some of the greatest friends that this world could offer. I won't be in the habit of naming names, but to those of you who have helped to support us in this in every way...THANK YOU!!

Here is our packet so that you can read more about the specifics of what we plan to do. PLEASE feel free to take that packet and pass it on to anyone who might be able to connect us with congregations willing to support this mission work.

Goodnight and God bless.