Our adventures on the Navajo Indian reservation learning how to serve the Lord by attempting to grow a small church, physically and spiritually.
November 8, 2010
Ladies Night!
I have been hosting ladies nights for the past month every Monday night here at our house. Once a month, we do a Bible study. The other weeks, we find fun ways to fellowship- recipe exchange, cooking together, and watching a movie. Tonight we had our second Bible Study and I was so extremely encouraged. We had 12 ladies including 2 teenagers. We have had a great showing for these nights, which confirms my thoughts that the ladies were longing for something like this. On the other hand, I learned that ladies can drink a lot of coffee! Tonight I was very encouraged by some of the comments made. Some of the ladies have a lot of problems in their lives right now including severe financial troubles, substance abuse, and endless problems with their children. The maturity to make consistent, positive, valuable decisions is lacking. However, some of the comments made to encourage the others feeling discouraged were awesome. For example, one lady said that she reads the Bible with her daughter every morning. Another lady mentioned that all the answers are in the Bible and we should look to it for help with everything in life.
Tonight we talked about Esther and her courage to be a leader and influence those around her. I tried to stress that we all have opportunities everyday to influence others in a positive way especially our family.
Please pray for the ladies ministry. I think it is a great opportunity for our ladies to grow, develop strong relationships, and learn how to be a better Christian woman.
October 25, 2010
Teenagers- oh what a trying time!
Nick and I have been spending a lot more time with the teenagers lately. We have hosted two teen nights. The first one involved an outside movie and some games. The second one, we had a devotional and played games. These are really great kids. We love them all. They have great personalities and some amazing potential. I would ask for everyone's prayers because with every family and with every teenager, there is great baggage, insecurities, and bad habits. Some of the problems these kids deal with are alcholic parents, absent parents, suicide, and financial issues. There are two families right now on the verge of being kicked out of their house for late payments. These are good people with low paying jobs. Please pray for these families and all their struggles.
September 25, 2010
Our trip to Texas
We were off the reservation last week. We decided a little bit at the last minute to go to "Summit" at Abilene Christian University. If you are not familiar, this is a 4 day series of Bible lectures on a variety of topics. Our friend, Mike, works at ACU as a professor and we crashed at his place. Our main goal was to raise some support and make some contacts. We did attend some lectures, but we also spent a lot of time talking to people about the work in Kayenta. We set up a small and next to everyone else pathetic-looking booth. However, we did have candy so you would hope that that makes up for it! I should add that we are not talking about mints or dum dums or other mockery candy that nobody wants, but solid chocolate!
Enough about sugar- this trip proved very fruitful for us. Abilene, Texas is a 13 hr drive from Kayenta, so this was a little bit risky in terms of the time and money we would spend. Looking over the week- definitley worth it. We went to an Agriculture missions lunch that our friend, Mike, got us into. We learned about all the ways people are spreading Christ through agriculture. Particularly, there is a group called "Healing Hands" that goes to third world countries and teaches them how to farm and preserve food. The presentation was fascinating. Nick got a 5 minute slot to talk about the reservation and some of the challenges. Healing Hands were very interested and by the end of our time at Summit had already decided they wanted to take a trip to the reservation and fund a project there! We had been talking about doing some sort of garden on the property of the church building to help the community, but now it seems like a reality.
We had a lot of fun over the week listening to various lessons, playing scrabble, eating yummy steak and meeting some great people.
Enough about sugar- this trip proved very fruitful for us. Abilene, Texas is a 13 hr drive from Kayenta, so this was a little bit risky in terms of the time and money we would spend. Looking over the week- definitley worth it. We went to an Agriculture missions lunch that our friend, Mike, got us into. We learned about all the ways people are spreading Christ through agriculture. Particularly, there is a group called "Healing Hands" that goes to third world countries and teaches them how to farm and preserve food. The presentation was fascinating. Nick got a 5 minute slot to talk about the reservation and some of the challenges. Healing Hands were very interested and by the end of our time at Summit had already decided they wanted to take a trip to the reservation and fund a project there! We had been talking about doing some sort of garden on the property of the church building to help the community, but now it seems like a reality.
We had a lot of fun over the week listening to various lessons, playing scrabble, eating yummy steak and meeting some great people.
September 16, 2010
A couple more things
I forgot to tell you that I started the first ever bulletin at Kayenta Church of Christ. I am training another lady who could use some help on her computer skills on how to do it. It's really nice for the members to see all the upcoming events and prayer requests on paper. Nick has been cleaning up the "yard" most of the day. I have been putting together some materials for our support trip in Texas. We are getting ready to have dinner with a member who's been helping Nick with the yard work.
September 15, 2010
Staying busy!
So, the intent was to keep this as a more day to day activity but it's a lot harder than we thought! It's already been a month. We are going to try to get better at this. I will give you a brief update then give you some more day to day stuff.
The 1st big battle: Consistent classes on Sunday nights for all ages with solid teachers. Nick is building a curriculum and teaching the teenagers. Attendance is very inconsistent, but hopefully will get better as word spreads. I am teaching the elementary age and training a woman from the church to do the same. Nick says that consistency is the word of the month so that's what we're trying to create.
Nick is preaching once a month and leading devotionals on Wednesday. My classes started back up for my masters degree in counseling so that is also keeping me pretty busy. It is a lot of reading, but very interesting!
Last weekend myself and 9 other ladies from the congregation attended a ladies retreat about 4 hrs south of here in Prescott, Az. We had a blast and felt encouraged at the same time. My next goal is to get some regularly scheduled ladies events on the calendar.
So what goes on in between all that you ask? Well, I will give you an example of one of our days in the past week. On Monday, an elder from Payson, Az and his wife were visiting. So, after getting some things done around the house, we had lunch with them. Then we drove out to the edge of town to visit a member who has not been regularly attending. He's been struggling lately and needed some encouragement. Then we went to the "culture center" at the school where another member works. Then we had dinner and spent most of the evening starting to prepare for a support trip next week in Abilene, Texas. In between all that, a family from the church came over to use the internet to get some homework doe so we visited with them a little bit.
Since we are going to Texas next week, we are spending a lot of time this week preparing for it. We are attending the Abilebe lectures and setting up a booth to spread the word about our mission work and hopefully gain some more support.
Thanks for all your prayers, cards and encouragement!
The 1st big battle: Consistent classes on Sunday nights for all ages with solid teachers. Nick is building a curriculum and teaching the teenagers. Attendance is very inconsistent, but hopefully will get better as word spreads. I am teaching the elementary age and training a woman from the church to do the same. Nick says that consistency is the word of the month so that's what we're trying to create.
Nick is preaching once a month and leading devotionals on Wednesday. My classes started back up for my masters degree in counseling so that is also keeping me pretty busy. It is a lot of reading, but very interesting!
Last weekend myself and 9 other ladies from the congregation attended a ladies retreat about 4 hrs south of here in Prescott, Az. We had a blast and felt encouraged at the same time. My next goal is to get some regularly scheduled ladies events on the calendar.
So what goes on in between all that you ask? Well, I will give you an example of one of our days in the past week. On Monday, an elder from Payson, Az and his wife were visiting. So, after getting some things done around the house, we had lunch with them. Then we drove out to the edge of town to visit a member who has not been regularly attending. He's been struggling lately and needed some encouragement. Then we went to the "culture center" at the school where another member works. Then we had dinner and spent most of the evening starting to prepare for a support trip next week in Abilene, Texas. In between all that, a family from the church came over to use the internet to get some homework doe so we visited with them a little bit.
Since we are going to Texas next week, we are spending a lot of time this week preparing for it. We are attending the Abilebe lectures and setting up a booth to spread the word about our mission work and hopefully gain some more support.
Thanks for all your prayers, cards and encouragement!
August 13, 2010
Finally settling down
The last month has been a crazy whirlwind of events. We got married on July 9th and the wedding turned out to be fabulous. I couldn’t have asked for anything more. It was personal and beautiful and a blast!!! The following day we left on our honeymoon to the beautiful Punta Cana for a whole week. It was so relaxing and just what we needed after all the chaos of the wedding and preparing for our big move. Just as soon as we flew back into Cincinnati, the chaos was back full force. We drove straight down to Hendersonville, TN to present to the missions committee at the church on Sunday morning.
Sunday, we drove back to Columbus to open our wedding presents and get the apartment in order and ready to move. We had one week to pack up everything, use the gift cards we received, tie up any loose ends and visit my family one more time in PA. It was kind of a bittersweet week, having to say goodbye to everyone, but still we're excited for the future.
Tuesday, July 27 was when we started our journey across the country in a great big Uhaul. I thought it was a pretty fun adventure as I have never driven across the country. We stopped in St Louis to see the arch, which was really fun. Then we went through Oklahoma City and Albuquerque. We had a couple hiccups including losing air conditioning for about 4 hrs, but we made it safely on Friday, July 30.
Since then we have been doing a lot of unpacking and trying to get the new place organized. We are getting ourselves familiar with the town and with the church here in Kayenta. We have already connected to a young girl in High School that wants to learn more about the Bible and we’ve set up regular studies with her. Also, we had the opportunity to attend AIMS- American Indian Mission Seminar held in Colorado Springs this past weekend. Some of the preachers from the Navajo reservation were there and spoke about their challenges, successes and ideas to improve. One speaker couldn’t attend due to a death in the family so Nick got a chance to fill in. He did a great job speaking about why we chose the Navajo reservation to be in the work of the Lord.
Now that we are here, we see an even bigger need to work with the teenagers. This is mainly due to the large number of teens but also because there hasn’t been a lot of structure for them in the past. We will be looking to build a solid youth and family program here to get the teens involved as well as their parents. The first Sunday we were here, there were 56 people in attendance and 26 of them were under 18. Speaking of which, Josh wasn’t feeling well that day so Nick got his first opportunity to preach here.
We got puppies too!!!! We got two sister puppies from a litter of seven. They are basically pure mutts (they call them rez dogs), but adorable. Nick is trying to train them up to be guard dogs but they are too cute for that right now. Their names are Uncle Paulie and Mr. Rocky Balboa- yes you heard that right, they are girls but they have boy names.
Well, so far so good. We really love it here and are so excited about the opportunities we have already found. We thank you for your continued prayers and support.
June 24, 2010
One month to go...
Once again, we have neglected to update this as often as we intended. We haven’t had a tremendous amount of news to report. In the past few weekends we have been able to make presentations for the University church of Christ in Morgantown, WV and the Watterson Trail church of Christ in Louisville, KY. In the upcoming weeks, we’ll be making a presentation at the Dublin-Powell church of Christ and immediately after the Honeymoon we’ll be travelling to Nashville to meet with the missions committee at the Hendersonville church of Christ. We are keeping busy however we still need to find support! We have made a good start, we have eclipsed the amount that will make it possible (although very tough) to make the move and go through with our plans. That being said we still have a considerable need for continued monthly supports.
I had dinner a month or so ago with my grandparents. My grandfather has been very ill with cancer (I’d certainly appreciate every prayer you can give on his behalf) and so I have been made even more aware of the uncertainty that is life. While we were eating we started to talk about some of the challenges of the work in Arizona and how to deal with people. He said, I have always answered people’s complaints the same way, with one question. ‘What did they say when you told them that?’ It’ll fix the problem every single time he said. That reminds me of something I want to make sure that I’ve been very clear about in regards to our plans and communications and especially this blog. I would rather answer a couple of questions about something that’s been unclear so I can let you know exactly what I meant or think instead of the alternative. I myself have been guilty of reading or hearing something and then using it to gossip rather than straightening out the issue at the source. Great piece of advice, via Bob Smith. As often as I can manage it I will be sharing nuggets of wisdom from my grandfather instead of my own. I am very blessed to have a strong Christian man as an example in my life.
I had dinner a month or so ago with my grandparents. My grandfather has been very ill with cancer (I’d certainly appreciate every prayer you can give on his behalf) and so I have been made even more aware of the uncertainty that is life. While we were eating we started to talk about some of the challenges of the work in Arizona and how to deal with people. He said, I have always answered people’s complaints the same way, with one question. ‘What did they say when you told them that?’ It’ll fix the problem every single time he said. That reminds me of something I want to make sure that I’ve been very clear about in regards to our plans and communications and especially this blog. I would rather answer a couple of questions about something that’s been unclear so I can let you know exactly what I meant or think instead of the alternative. I myself have been guilty of reading or hearing something and then using it to gossip rather than straightening out the issue at the source. Great piece of advice, via Bob Smith. As often as I can manage it I will be sharing nuggets of wisdom from my grandfather instead of my own. I am very blessed to have a strong Christian man as an example in my life.
June 2, 2010
On the Road Again...
It's been a couple of weeks since we've updated the blog here, been a while since we've had much news to report. I just wanted to leave a quick note about our coming weeks plans. We are still looking for support. So if there is a person, a congregation, an Eldership or organization that might be interested in getting involved in this work or might have connections that we could use to meet potential supporters, please let us know. (That sentence should probably have a colon or semicolon or something. I only use the colon when I'm writing the time and the semicolon when a comma doesn't seem appropriate but something is needed.)
This coming Sunday I am headed down to Louisville, KY to the Watterson Trail church of Christ to meet with the members there and give a presentation about the mission work. Unfortunately, Heidi will be staying behind on this trip to attend (and host) a wedding shower at the church for our friend Lisa. Then the following weekend we'll be headed together out to Morgantown to visit with and make a presentation for the church there. We also have a meeting set with the Hendersonville church of Christ in TN on the day after we return from our honeymoon in July. As far as dates on the calendar, that is the extent of our travelling schedule for now. We've been talking with a few local churches and are waiting to hear back from a handful of churches in other areas. Please continue to pray for our support raising efforts as we still have some work to do.
We are just over halfway to our goal right now, in terms of monthly support. We have also collected a very generous amount of individual donations and one time supports that will be very helpful in making the actual move and getting some things set up once we arrive in Kayenta. Hopefully, the gas prices will continue to go down. I've been advised that a uhaul (fully loaded) pulling a car behind will get about 8mpg optimistically. Our trip is going to be close to 2,000 miles. Ha ha, so we'll need a lot of gas.
In other news, the wedding plans are coming along well. We are just over a month away now and are pretty much down to the minor details. There are still 2 groomsmen who haven't been fitted for a tuxedo yet, Ahem. Excuse me I'm just getting over a cold. We're also anxiously awaiting the RSVP's, that has been one of the best parts of the wedding experience so far. I personally, can't wait to see and experience the Western PA tradition of a cookie table. Retraction, I can't wait to be married to my beautiful bride and then to see the cookie table.
Heidi has started a Bible study with a friend of hers from work and has been really excited to share her faith. We've both been excited to get to Arizona and get started in this work, putting our faith into real action. Thanks for all of the support and encouragement that you've graciously given us both.
This coming Sunday I am headed down to Louisville, KY to the Watterson Trail church of Christ to meet with the members there and give a presentation about the mission work. Unfortunately, Heidi will be staying behind on this trip to attend (and host) a wedding shower at the church for our friend Lisa. Then the following weekend we'll be headed together out to Morgantown to visit with and make a presentation for the church there. We also have a meeting set with the Hendersonville church of Christ in TN on the day after we return from our honeymoon in July. As far as dates on the calendar, that is the extent of our travelling schedule for now. We've been talking with a few local churches and are waiting to hear back from a handful of churches in other areas. Please continue to pray for our support raising efforts as we still have some work to do.
We are just over halfway to our goal right now, in terms of monthly support. We have also collected a very generous amount of individual donations and one time supports that will be very helpful in making the actual move and getting some things set up once we arrive in Kayenta. Hopefully, the gas prices will continue to go down. I've been advised that a uhaul (fully loaded) pulling a car behind will get about 8mpg optimistically. Our trip is going to be close to 2,000 miles. Ha ha, so we'll need a lot of gas.
In other news, the wedding plans are coming along well. We are just over a month away now and are pretty much down to the minor details. There are still 2 groomsmen who haven't been fitted for a tuxedo yet, Ahem. Excuse me I'm just getting over a cold. We're also anxiously awaiting the RSVP's, that has been one of the best parts of the wedding experience so far. I personally, can't wait to see and experience the Western PA tradition of a cookie table. Retraction, I can't wait to be married to my beautiful bride and then to see the cookie table.
Heidi has started a Bible study with a friend of hers from work and has been really excited to share her faith. We've both been excited to get to Arizona and get started in this work, putting our faith into real action. Thanks for all of the support and encouragement that you've graciously given us both.
May 11, 2010
House Keeping
Something I want to clear up as it may not have been clear enough in our earliest packets and communications, any checks sent on our behalf to the Northeast congregation in Albuquerque, NM should be made out to "Northeast church of Christ" and should say "Rice-Kayenta" in the memo line. I know this information doesn't apply to all of our blog readers, but it needed to be straightened out somehow. If you need to contact our sponsoring congregation or are preparing to send support for us,their address is:
Northeast church of Christ
11000 Paseo del Norte NE
Albuquerque, NM 87122
Second on the list of housekeeping items, consider this your official invitation to make comments on any and all blog posts. The comments don't have to be related to the postings themselves, if you wanted to ask a question or comment on some other topic feel free.
Lastly, Heidi and I are taking the advice of a good friend (who I will name this time, Robin Weier) and planning a night of Questions and Answers. I'm working on setting a date with our host and then the official invitation will be sent out. The idea is that we'll order pizza's, hangout for a little bit and then open it up for any and all questions you might have about all things Kayenta related. Have a question that you were afraid to ask during our presentation? Have you wondered, will you have to learn to speak Navajo? Will you get jobs out there? Will you live in a tee pee? You can ask anything, and I'll come ready to answer everything.
We'll also have a commitment form that you can fill out if you are interested in supporting our work on the Rez monthly.
If this event interests you at all, please let me know in some way (preferrably a written way) so that we can make sure we don't have too many people or too few pizza's.
Northeast church of Christ
11000 Paseo del Norte NE
Albuquerque, NM 87122
Second on the list of housekeeping items, consider this your official invitation to make comments on any and all blog posts. The comments don't have to be related to the postings themselves, if you wanted to ask a question or comment on some other topic feel free.
Lastly, Heidi and I are taking the advice of a good friend (who I will name this time, Robin Weier) and planning a night of Questions and Answers. I'm working on setting a date with our host and then the official invitation will be sent out. The idea is that we'll order pizza's, hangout for a little bit and then open it up for any and all questions you might have about all things Kayenta related. Have a question that you were afraid to ask during our presentation? Have you wondered, will you have to learn to speak Navajo? Will you get jobs out there? Will you live in a tee pee? You can ask anything, and I'll come ready to answer everything.
We'll also have a commitment form that you can fill out if you are interested in supporting our work on the Rez monthly.
If this event interests you at all, please let me know in some way (preferrably a written way) so that we can make sure we don't have too many people or too few pizza's.
May 10, 2010
Update on raising support
Hello Friends! We had a great weekend. Nick presented at our home congregation (Fishinger & Kenny Roads Church of Christ) about our future work in Kayenta. Lots of people at church had heard about our plans but didn't know many of the details. The elders allowed us the opportunity to present on Sunday morning during Bible class (combining all adult classes).
Nick gave a great presentation explaining the current situation in Kayenta and the hands on work we will be embarking on this summer. Nick is a great speaker and I am so proud of him when he speaks in front of the church.
Let me back up a couple months. In the middle of March, Nick made a trip to Albuquerque, NM to meet with the Northeast Church of Christ about being our sponsoring church. He made a presentation and delivered a sermon to the congregation there. He had the opportunity to spend a lot of time with the people and was very encouraged by every one's excitement about the work on the reservation. Northeast agreed to be our sponsoring church. If you are not familiar with mission work, this means that all of our funding will go through the Northeast church and they will dispense our "paycheck." In addition, several individuals made donations to help us get our feet off the ground. The generosity and love that people expressed gave us a great start to our fundraising.
In April, we made a trip to the Ohio Valley to the 6th & Washington Church of Christ. Nick met with the elders and gave a presentation and sermon at their Sunday evening service. They have agreed to generously support us monthly and we received a lot of uplifting words of encouragement in our short time with them.
We have three other congregations we are making plans to visit and present. In June, we are visiting the Watterson Trail Church of Christ in Loiusville, KY. In July, we'll have a meeting and prepare a presentation for the Hendersonville Church of Christ in TN. Please continue to spread the word about our work and keep us in your prayers, because we have a long way to go in raising support.
Nick gave a great presentation explaining the current situation in Kayenta and the hands on work we will be embarking on this summer. Nick is a great speaker and I am so proud of him when he speaks in front of the church.
Let me back up a couple months. In the middle of March, Nick made a trip to Albuquerque, NM to meet with the Northeast Church of Christ about being our sponsoring church. He made a presentation and delivered a sermon to the congregation there. He had the opportunity to spend a lot of time with the people and was very encouraged by every one's excitement about the work on the reservation. Northeast agreed to be our sponsoring church. If you are not familiar with mission work, this means that all of our funding will go through the Northeast church and they will dispense our "paycheck." In addition, several individuals made donations to help us get our feet off the ground. The generosity and love that people expressed gave us a great start to our fundraising.
In April, we made a trip to the Ohio Valley to the 6th & Washington Church of Christ. Nick met with the elders and gave a presentation and sermon at their Sunday evening service. They have agreed to generously support us monthly and we received a lot of uplifting words of encouragement in our short time with them.
We have three other congregations we are making plans to visit and present. In June, we are visiting the Watterson Trail Church of Christ in Loiusville, KY. In July, we'll have a meeting and prepare a presentation for the Hendersonville Church of Christ in TN. Please continue to spread the word about our work and keep us in your prayers, because we have a long way to go in raising support.
May 3, 2010
Heidi's point of view
Sometimes it's hard for people to see Nick and I both as full-time missionaries. There are obvious reasons for this, like men's and women's roles in the church. Then there's the fact that Nick has a degree in ministry while I have a business degree and have worked in the corporate world for a few years now. It seems as though many people refer to only Nick in the missionary setting and I just wanted to clear up any misconceptions already out there by describing what my role will be in the church. Also, I want people to know that this is a dream come true for me in several ways. I have been looking for a job where I can directly impact peoples' lives and after my mission trip to Kayenta in 2006, it has been my dream to become a full-time missionary.
So, what will I do? Our main goal is to build up adult leaders in the church and strong Christian members of the community. With that being said, my first focus will be to have Bible studies with the women of the church and the community. In addition to this, I have several ideas for ladies programs and classes. While setting up different programs and classes, the goal is always to teach other faithful women to do the same. For example, while I prepare for a class, I have another woman working beside me who will teach the class the next week. Our overall goal is always to teach the people how to be leaders in hopes that one day they don't need us.
I would also like to tackle some of the administrative pieces within the church. When looking at a small church just getting off the ground, it might seem insignificant. However, I believe that the more opportunities we can create for people to get involved, the stronger the church will become. I would like to teach a couple members how to create and sustain their own bulletin.
I am getting my Masters in Counseling and when you look at some of the cultural issues in Kayenta, I look at this as an internship for my career as a Counselor. I hope to become a mentor to women who feel hopeless in any area of their lives whether it is their spiritual life, home life, career, or social life. The Bible and the Church can certainly be an answer to a lot of womens' needs. Pray for me as I lead people to these answers.
The last role will of course be to support my husband in everything he does. He will be studying with a lot of men. But in addition, he will be working with the members to build a youth and family program. I will assist him in these activities. Together, we make a great team!
So, what will I do? Our main goal is to build up adult leaders in the church and strong Christian members of the community. With that being said, my first focus will be to have Bible studies with the women of the church and the community. In addition to this, I have several ideas for ladies programs and classes. While setting up different programs and classes, the goal is always to teach other faithful women to do the same. For example, while I prepare for a class, I have another woman working beside me who will teach the class the next week. Our overall goal is always to teach the people how to be leaders in hopes that one day they don't need us.
I would also like to tackle some of the administrative pieces within the church. When looking at a small church just getting off the ground, it might seem insignificant. However, I believe that the more opportunities we can create for people to get involved, the stronger the church will become. I would like to teach a couple members how to create and sustain their own bulletin.
I am getting my Masters in Counseling and when you look at some of the cultural issues in Kayenta, I look at this as an internship for my career as a Counselor. I hope to become a mentor to women who feel hopeless in any area of their lives whether it is their spiritual life, home life, career, or social life. The Bible and the Church can certainly be an answer to a lot of womens' needs. Pray for me as I lead people to these answers.
The last role will of course be to support my husband in everything he does. He will be studying with a lot of men. But in addition, he will be working with the members to build a youth and family program. I will assist him in these activities. Together, we make a great team!
April 20, 2010
...the name is Rice
This is the start of what I hope will be years worth of updates and great stories, information and interesting thoughts about life on the reservation. As Heidi and I make plans to move to Kayenta, AZ this will be the place where you can keep track of what's going on. My hope is that this will eventually be much more interesting, but for anyone who doesn't know what we have been doing or planning this first post should get you up to speed.
Long story short, (and if you want the longer version maybe I could post it another day on request)last September we went to Kayenta for a week to consider getting involved in the mission work full time and fell in love with the people and the possibilities. We started talking about how we could make it become a reality and now here we are. Right now we are seeking out support for the work we hope to start on August 1st, we've been travelling to churches and making presentations in hopes of raising all of the funds we will need to support us for the next two years.
To date, I have made a trip to Albuquerque, NM to meet with the brethren at the Northeast Church of Christ. They have been involved on the reservation for years, and are very supportive of Heidi and I making the move to add to the work that's already being done. They were very gracious hosts and incredibly generous with their support for us. They will serve as our head supporting congregation, if you want to call it that, and will collect and manage all of the funds for our work. The work couldn't move forward without their involvement.
We just came home from a trip to the 6th & Washington congregation in Marietta, OH where I was able to present the mission and request their help in support. The members there were very receptive to our work and very encouraging to Heidi and I personally.
In the early stages of our involvement as missionaries in Kayenta, we have been blown away by the individuals who have stepped forward to support us. We always believed, and now have confirmed, that we are blessed by some of the greatest friends that this world could offer. I won't be in the habit of naming names, but to those of you who have helped to support us in this in every way...THANK YOU!!
Here is our packet so that you can read more about the specifics of what we plan to do. PLEASE feel free to take that packet and pass it on to anyone who might be able to connect us with congregations willing to support this mission work.
Goodnight and God bless.
Long story short, (and if you want the longer version maybe I could post it another day on request)last September we went to Kayenta for a week to consider getting involved in the mission work full time and fell in love with the people and the possibilities. We started talking about how we could make it become a reality and now here we are. Right now we are seeking out support for the work we hope to start on August 1st, we've been travelling to churches and making presentations in hopes of raising all of the funds we will need to support us for the next two years.
To date, I have made a trip to Albuquerque, NM to meet with the brethren at the Northeast Church of Christ. They have been involved on the reservation for years, and are very supportive of Heidi and I making the move to add to the work that's already being done. They were very gracious hosts and incredibly generous with their support for us. They will serve as our head supporting congregation, if you want to call it that, and will collect and manage all of the funds for our work. The work couldn't move forward without their involvement.
We just came home from a trip to the 6th & Washington congregation in Marietta, OH where I was able to present the mission and request their help in support. The members there were very receptive to our work and very encouraging to Heidi and I personally.
In the early stages of our involvement as missionaries in Kayenta, we have been blown away by the individuals who have stepped forward to support us. We always believed, and now have confirmed, that we are blessed by some of the greatest friends that this world could offer. I won't be in the habit of naming names, but to those of you who have helped to support us in this in every way...THANK YOU!!
Here is our packet so that you can read more about the specifics of what we plan to do. PLEASE feel free to take that packet and pass it on to anyone who might be able to connect us with congregations willing to support this mission work.
Goodnight and God bless.
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